Platform to business - P2B Mediation

Do you run an online platform or is your business in conflict with an online platform?

• Has your account been suspended?
• Are you unhappy with your search engine ranking?
• Do you feel unfairly treated?
• Did the platform deny your app?

Online intermediation services (Online platforms) constitute a digital marketplace where traders sell their goods or services to end users. This includes search engines, social media providers, app stores and online marketplaces.

Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services (P2B Regulation) is a new set of EU rules designed to create a fair, transparent and predictable business environment for companies and resellers using online services (online platforms) to reach their customers.

The P2B Regulation sets out a number of requirements, including the requirement that online platforms, in their terms and conditions, must designate two or more mediators that the platform is willing to use for conflict resolution between them and the business users utilizing ther intermediation services.

However, it can be an advantage to use a mediation provider giving access to a larger range of mediators, a greater breadth of areas of expertise and a greater flexibility in relation to the practical conduct of the mediations.

It is possible to list the Mediation Institute as a mediation provider in terms and conditions of the online platform to be in complience of the P2B Regulation eg by using the P2B Mediation Clause of the Mediation Institute.

Our mediators all comply with the requirements of the regulation and the Mediation Institute is at the same time a guarantee of reasonable pricing as well as a fast and efficient conduct of the of mediation. All our mediators are specialized lawyers covering many areas of expertise, including IT law, IP law, data security, and contract law. The mediators have both a commercial understanding and a legal specialist background, which can often be of value to the mediation process.

What happens in P2B mediation?

A neutral and impartial mediator helps the parties to identify the issues, discuss individual interests and needs and finally help the parties find the solutions that suit the parties and best match their interests and needs.

The goal is to jointly find solutions that are based on the parties’ interests and needs and not just legal norms. Mediation does not only focus on the legal part. You will have the opportunity to speak and influence the resolution of the conflict, instead of letting a judge make the decision.

Platform two business related disputes often involve parties with business locations far apart. In some cases, the online platform has a business location on the other side of the globe. Physical mediation meetings can therefore be costly. If the parties so wish, the Mediation Institute therefore also offers Online mediation.

How long does an P2B mediation take?

Typically, a P2B dispute can be resolved in one to two meetings depending on the complexity of the case.

The mediation institute also offers a special emergency treatment, which ensures that the mediation is underway within 48 hours and is completed within 7 days.

What does P2B Mediation cost?

The price for a P2B mediation is DKK 30.000 plus VAT, where each party pays half. The price covers a full day of mediation (up to 8 hours) and the mediator’s ordinary preparation. If there is a need for more hours to prepare and/or finalize the mediation these complementary hours are billed at DKK 2.500 + VAT pr. hour.

See Prices and Regulations.

Fast track online mediation

If you choose fast track mediation, we will do everything in our power to make sure that mediation is completed within 7 days after your request. In case of fast track mediation, a supplementary fee equaling 5o % of the normal price will be charged.

Mediationsinstituttet / Vesterbrogade 32 / 1620 København V / Tlf. 3939 0066