Mediation is a quick and direct way to resolve conflicts


Mediation is a fast and direct way to resolve disputes. No matter how emotional the dispute may be, the goal is to reach a settlement through dialogue that  satisfies both parties and shows consideration for the children.

What happens in mediation

Mediation is a fast and effective way to resolve disputes fully confidential and out of court.

An impartial mediator helps the parties to identify the conflict issues, discuss individual interests and needs and finally helps the parties to find solutions that suit the parties’ situation and comply with the their interests and needs.

The goal is to reach a mutually satisfactory settlement based on the parties’ interests and needs rather than legal standards. Mediation does not only focus on the legal issues. You get the chance to speak up and decide the best way to resolve the conflict yourself instead of letting a judge making the decision.

When it comes to custody matters or divorces mediation gives you the posibility to create the best and long-lasting solutions for you and your children. Mediation is also used increasingly in cases about parental rights.

There are several advantages of using mediation in family disputes, as mediation does not only focus on the legal issues, but also takes in consideration that the parties need to cooperate about the children even though they are no longer together.


How long time does a mediation take??

A family mediation will typically proceed over 1 or more short sessions. The Mediation Institute also offers a fast track process that ensures that the mediation will take place within 48 hours.

Is mediation the right process for my case?

Mediation can be used in almost all family disputes i.a. cases about divorces, custody, inheritance and much more.

What does mediation cost?

The cost of family mediations depends on how long it takes to mediate and is billed in compliance with The Mediation Institute’s hourly rate of DKK 3.125 incl. VAT plus an administration fee of DKK 3.125 incl. VAT.

See Prices and Regulations.

Fast Track Mediation

If you choose fast track mediation, we will do everything in our power to make sure that mediation starts within 7 days after your request.

In case of fast track mediation, a supplementary fee equaling to 5o % of the normal price will be charged.


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De havde begge ledende stillinger i koncernen, hvilket udløste stor uenighed om, hvordan bodelingen skulle foregå og især, hvordan de skulle forholde sig til virksomhedens fremtidige drift.

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Book a mediator

The Mediation Institute appoints mediators with the right
expertise to help your dispute. We take care of all
the practicalities and ensure the mediators neutrality
and impartiality. Subsequently we evaluate the
mediation proces to make sure you're fully satisfied.


Mediationsinstituttet / Vesterbrogade 32 / 1620 København V / Tlf. 3939 0066